A group of landlords in Ypsilanti is suing the city for requiring them to deliver voter registration information and paperwork to tenants.
The legal challenge, filed by Thomas More Society attorneys in the U.S. District Court in Eastern Michigan, follows the Society’s success in challenging an East Lansing ordinance, which city leaders eventually repealed.
“Ypsilanti is violating the First Amendment rights of these landlords,” said Thomas More Society Special Counsel Erick KAARDAL. “The city’s choice to disseminate voter registration tools is in no way relevant to a housing rental agreement and should not involve those who own or manage properties in its implementation.
“Ypsilanti’s city code states, unbelievably, that landlords who fail to provide paper copies of voter registration information to their tenants are subject to a municipal civil infraction. It’s outrageous and it’s unconstitutional,” he added.
The one-count lawsuit alleges a violation of the landlords’ civil rights and calls on the courts to declare the city’s ordinance as unconstitutional.
A spokesperson for the attorney said no other lawsuits on the matter are planned in Michigan. However, they are looking at other states, but he declined to disclose which ones.
Article by Dana L. Smith, Karoub Associates.